Sound and Word

»Lectures and concert performances have a lot in common –
the decades of stage experience as musicians can be very helpful in this respect.

 2018 KEYNOTE “How does musical training affect the children’s brain and how do we use scientific findings in our EMP method?” National Music Education Conference, Beijing, China.


2017 Invited Presentation “Acoustics and Playing Technique of Wind Instruments”
University of Ionian Islands TEI, Lixouri, Greek.

2017 Invited Presentation “Acoustics and Playing technique of brasses”
University of Ionian Islands TEI, Lixouri, Greek.

2016 Invited Presentation “Can I trust my Ears?”
Special Event of the Hailun Art Education Investment Co.Ltd. at the Beijing Music & Life Show, China.

2016 KEYNOTE ” Regelkreis Mensch-Instrument, wer bestimmt den Klang?”
32. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie (DGM). UNIVIE.

2016 KEYNOTE “Kann ich meinen Ohren trauen?”.
61. Internationaler Kongress der Hörakustiker. Messe Hannover, Germany.

2016 “Can I trust my Ears?”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2016 “Wiener Klangstil”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2014 “Can we trust our Ears?”
ISA-Science, International Summer School, Semmering / Reichenau.

2014 “Wiener Klangstil”
ISA-Science, International Summer School, Semmering / Reichenau.

2014 “Was ich über Musikinstrumente wissen sollte…”
Österreichischer Blasmusikverband, Wien.

2014 Invited Presentation “The Vienna Horn”
3rd International Romantic Brass Symposium, Schola Cantorum Bern, Switzerland.

2013 Invited Presentation “Einfluss der Teile eines Musikinstrumentes auf Intonation, Klang, Ansprache und Spieltechnik”
Materials Valley e.V., Hanau, Germany.

2012 Invited Presentation “Acoustics and Playing technique of Wind instruments”
University of Technology, Zagreb. Croatia.

2012 Invited Presentation “Can I trust my Ears?”
University of Technology, Zagreb. Croatia.

2012 Invited Presentation “Wiener Klangstil”
University of Technology, Zagreb. Croatia.

2012 KEYNOTE “Music Acoustics – a recent field of research with roots in ancient Greece”
5th Congress of the Alps Adria Acoustics Association, Petrčane/Zadar, Croatia,

2012 Invited Presentation “Diagnose und Therapie für Musikinstrumente”
Institut für Musikwissenschaft, Ringvorlesung der Universität Wien.

2012 Invited Presentation “Music Acoustics”
Music and Technologies, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.

2011 “Musikalische Akustik”
Lecture am Konservatorium der Stadt Wien.

2010 “Was wir hören, wenn wir hören…”
Vortrag am Technisches Museum Wien.

2010 “Gustav Mahler und der Wiener Klangstil heute”
Symposium “Gustav Mahler – Musikinstrumente und Musizierpraxis”. Österreichisches Theatermuseum, Wien..

2009 “The latest BIAS Version (Brass Instrument Analysis System) and its Use for Historical Musical Instrument Collections”,
CIMCIM (Comité international pour les musées et collections d’instruments et de musique), Rome, Italy.

2009 Invited Presentation ” String Instrument Research – just interesting or also relevant in practice?”
International ESTA Conference (European String Teacher Association), Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.

2009 Invited Presentation “Meisterkurs Wiener Horn”
Hochschule der Künste Bern. Switzerland.

2008 “Music Acoustics”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2008 “Acoustics of Stringed Instruments”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2007 “Analysis of Bow-Hair Fibres”
ISMA (International Symposium on Music Acoustics), Barcelona, Spain.

2005 “Music Acoustics”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2005 “Acoustics of Stringed Instruments”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2005 Invited Presentation
“Diagnose und Therapie für Musikinstrumente” Universität Regensburg, Fakultät für Physik, Germany.

2005 “The Acoustics of the Vienna Horn and it‘s Implications for the Playing Technique”
Forum Acusticum, EAA European Acoustics Association, Budapest, Hungary.

2005 Invited Presentation “Music Acoustics”
ECMA (European Chamber Music Association), MDW Session in Wien.

2004 “Das Wiener Horn – Bindeglied zwischen Naturhorn und modernem Doppelhorn”
Musikinstrumentenbau-Symposium in Michaelstein, Germany.

2003 “Silber, Gold, Platin – Der Materialaspekt bei Querflöten”
SM@RT-Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Musikalische Akustik, Wien.

2003 “Music Acoustics”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2003 “Acoustics of Stringed Instruments”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2002 Invited Presentation “Wiener Klangtradition – historisches Phänomen oder aktuelle Wirklichkeit?
International Symposium ” Musica E Crisi Sonora”, Firenze, Itay.

2002 Invited Presentation “Lärmbelastung bei MusikerInnen”
Vortrag an der AUVA (Allgemeine Unfallsversicherungsanstalt), Wien

2001 “Silver, Gold, Platinum and the Sound of the Flute”
ISMA, International Symposium on Music Acoustics, Perugia, Italy

2001 Invited Presentation “Kunst&Wirtschaft”
Wirtschaftskammer Wien.

2001 “Der Klang der Wiener Philharmoniker – Kann ich meinen Ohren trauen?”
Vortrag im “Karajan Centrum”, 1010 Wien.

2001 “Music Acoustics”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2001 “Acoustics of Stringed Instruments”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

2000 Invited Presentation
“BIAS – Brass Instrument Analysis System” ITG, International Trumpet Guild, New York, USA.

2000 “Der Beginn aller Wissenschaften ist das Erstaunen, dass die Dinge sind, wie sie sind.”
Antrittsvorlesung, Wien.

1999 Invited Presentation “Diagnosis and Therapy for Brasses”
Academy of Performing Arts Prague, Praha, ČSSR.

1999 “Diagnosis and Therapy for Brasses. Measurement, Evaluation and Improvement of the Acoustic Quality of Brass Wind Instruments”
EAA Forum Acusticum (European Acoustics Association), Berlin, Germany.

1999 “Music Acoustics”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

1999 “Acoustics of Stringed Instruments”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

1998 “Music Acoustics”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

1998 “Acoustics of Stringed Instruments”
IOIA Summer Session. Internationales Orchesterinstitut Attergau, Seewalchen.

1997 “The influence of valve mechanism on the microstructure of slurs played with brass wind instruments”
ISMA, International Symposium on Music Acoustics, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

1996 “Impedanzmessungen an Ventilen von Blechblasinstrumenten”
Jahrestagung der ÖPG, Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Wien.

1989 “Spieltechnische Aspekte der computerunterstützten Qualitätsbeurteilung von Blechblasinstrumenten”
13th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA – International Commission on Acoustics, Beograd, Yugoslavia.

1989 Computerunterstützte Qualitätsbeurteilung von Blechblasinstrumenten und Simulation der Interaktion Musiker-Instrument”
28th Conference of Physiological Acoustics, Psychoacoustics, Acoustics of Music and Speech, Strbské Pleso, CSSR.

1989 “Computer-aided research on brasswind instrument quality and interaction between musician and instrument”
International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, ISMA Catgut Society, Mittenwald, Deutschland.

1989 “The microstructure of slurs on brass wind instruments depending on the type of valves”
28th Conference of Physiological Acoustics, Psychoacoustics, Acoustics of Music and Speech, Strbské Pleso, CSSR.

1989 “BIAS – A Computer Aided Test System for Brass Instruments”
89th AES Convention, Montreaux, Switzerland.

1986 “Mikroprozessorengesteuertes Meßsystem für den Test von Blechblasinstrumenten”,
14. Tonmeistertagung des Bildungswerks des Verbandes Deutscher Tonmeister (VDT), München, Deutschland.

1983 “Untersuchungen zum Wiener Klangstil”,
22th Conference of Physiological Acoustics, Psychoacoustics, Acoustics of Music and Speech, Hradec Králové, CSSR.

1981 “Studies on the Wiener Klangstil”,
Musik und Gehirn, Psychoakustische Grundlagen der Musik. Symposium im Rahmen des Carinthischen Sommers in Villach.